Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Describe the Most Interesting Movie That You Have Seen
Describe an interesting film you saw recently. You should say; What is the title? When did you see it? What is the story about? And explain why this movie was interesting to you. Last summer, my family and I went to AMC Movie Theater in Cupertino and enjoyed a movie entitled â€Å"Journey to the Center of the Earth†. It was a Science Fiction and adventure movie in three-dimensions. We enjoyed state-of –the-art computer graphics in the movie. For instance, when a dinosaur chased the characters, I was on edge as if I were with them. The movie’s plot started from the idea that another world exists deep inside of the earth with a variety of unusual creatures. It showed the director’s extensive imagination and creativity. I was preoccupied†¦show more content†¦While providing valuable information, they can also offer entertainment. Depending on what kind of movies you watch, you can relieve your stress, be entertained or impressed, and be informed. Movies can be one form of news media and be reflective of our society and time. Q. Do you believe that the movie rating system is necessary for current films? Yes, definitely. Nowadays, there are too many films which contain violent and sexual contents. So, its very harmful for children or teenagers. Thus, it is inevitable to have rating system to distinguish the people who can see the film from those who cannot. Q. What do you think about the violence on TV or in films? The violence on TV or in films is terrible nowadays. It seems like movie producers do not care about innocent children or teenagers who might be affected by those horrible scenes. There was an incidence that one child imitated the crime on a film and killed his brother. So, I think there should be much strict laws against the violence on TV. Q. Do you think movies are better recently than they were in the past? As far as special effects are concerned, yes, movies are definitely better now. But I dont think the stories are necessarily better than those produced in the past. In fact, I think a lot of the time movie markers concentrate too much on special effects and forget about a plot. Q. What sort of topics do movie producers consider for the films? Since movies try to picture out the reality as well asShow MoreRelatedThe Phantom Of The Opera1429 Words  | 6 PagesThe movie I chose to examine was The Phantom of the Opera. I have seen the live musical once in New York, but for some odd reason I have never seen the movie version before. Watching it again for this paper, in a whole new format, is as if I’m experiencing it for the first time again. 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