Sunday, May 24, 2020
Project Management Approach / Methodology Essay - 939 Words
Project Management Methodologies MedDev is looking to streamline their resource planning across various departments in order to support their global growth and cut costs. In order to achieve this business objective, they are undertaking ERP Implementation as a Key project which involves largest investment MedDev has ever done as a single project. Thus success of this project is of prime importance to them. In order to achieve their business objective, project management and the used methodology are key factor which will be responsible for the success or failure of this project. Types of Methodologies In General, there are 2 broad approaches applied to manage projects 1) Traditional Project Management Approach / Methodology 2) Modern Project Management Approach / Methodology Both these approaches have their own pros and cons and both are widely used across the globe and across industries. There are many factors that need to analyse before choosing which approach is most suitable for your project needs and objectives. These factors are following but not limited to a) Complexity of the project b) Stability of the requirements c) Amount of expected changes as the project progresses d) Do we want process driven or people driven focus e) Involvement of stakeholders f) Previous lessons learnt with similar implementation Recommended Methodology - Factors Based on MedDev environment and business objective, the recommended approach is to use Modern Approach. The recommendation isShow MoreRelatedThe Proposed Approach . The Objective Of The Proposed Approach1030 Words  | 5 Pages The Proposed approach The objective of the proposed approach is to integrate different project management methodologies based on alignment of their ontological models. The results of this alignment will provide a formal description including mapping of elements belonging to both methodologies. This approach also helps introduce new tools for supporting this integration. As shown in Fig. 2, the proposed approach consists of three steps which are discussed briefly in the following subsections: DevelopingRead MoreA Project Manager For A Company That Utilizes Informal Project Management Techniques948 Words  | 4 Pages1. You are a project manager for a company that utilizes informal project management techniques. Thirty days into the project you realize that the team is not communicating effectively and dates are starting to slip. What two actions might you take to correct this situation? Communication is one of the four columns of informal project management. 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The world is a global village. Change is the only constant that prevails. This has increased the need to be more adaptive to the challenges (changes) that are put forth. In project management, the need to be flexible has grown than ever before to turn the project successful. They have to meet with several constraints at differentRead MoreThe Waterfall Method And Source Code1529 Words  | 7 PagesThe Waterfall method uses documentation at the onset of the project that clearly defines the software requirements. The creation of the documentation and source code usually takes a significant amount of time. This time consuming process is usually circumvented when using an Agile approach (Arken, 2008). The process, however time consuming, is also extremely important. 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This chapter starts out by describing the initial research and literature review that was performed and then further describe with relevant research methodology. A research method is being selected and explained. A sample of questionnaire and interview questions can be obtained in Appendix. 3.2 Prestudy and Approach ( Literature Review )Read MoreProject Management Team For Developing The Automated System For Grand Acres Golf Course1260 Words  | 6 Pagestraditional methodologies for project management are still vastly used today. In this paper, I will discuss the two development methodologies, the traditional development methodology (Waterfall) and the modern development methodology (Agile, Iterative) in great detail to examine which development methodology of the two mentioned should be opted and be favorable for the project management team for developing the automated system for Grand Acres Golf Course. 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With the exceptional growth in technology, the present day projects are often large and complex involving a significant risk. So, a Project Management Methodology enables the delivery organization to handle these projects comprehensively, systematically and in an integrated manner, which results in strategic
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Describe the Most Interesting Movie That You Have Seen
Describe an interesting film you saw recently. You should say; What is the title? When did you see it? What is the story about? And explain why this movie was interesting to you. Last summer, my family and I went to AMC Movie Theater in Cupertino and enjoyed a movie entitled â€Å"Journey to the Center of the Earth†. It was a Science Fiction and adventure movie in three-dimensions. We enjoyed state-of –the-art computer graphics in the movie. For instance, when a dinosaur chased the characters, I was on edge as if I were with them. The movie’s plot started from the idea that another world exists deep inside of the earth with a variety of unusual creatures. It showed the director’s extensive imagination and creativity. I was preoccupied†¦show more content†¦While providing valuable information, they can also offer entertainment. Depending on what kind of movies you watch, you can relieve your stress, be entertained or impressed, and be informed. Movies can be one form of news media and be reflective of our society and time. Q. Do you believe that the movie rating system is necessary for current films? Yes, definitely. Nowadays, there are too many films which contain violent and sexual contents. So, its very harmful for children or teenagers. Thus, it is inevitable to have rating system to distinguish the people who can see the film from those who cannot. Q. What do you think about the violence on TV or in films? The violence on TV or in films is terrible nowadays. It seems like movie producers do not care about innocent children or teenagers who might be affected by those horrible scenes. There was an incidence that one child imitated the crime on a film and killed his brother. So, I think there should be much strict laws against the violence on TV. Q. Do you think movies are better recently than they were in the past? As far as special effects are concerned, yes, movies are definitely better now. But I dont think the stories are necessarily better than those produced in the past. In fact, I think a lot of the time movie markers concentrate too much on special effects and forget about a plot. Q. What sort of topics do movie producers consider for the films? Since movies try to picture out the reality as well asShow MoreRelatedThe Phantom Of The Opera1429 Words  | 6 PagesThe movie I chose to examine was The Phantom of the Opera. I have seen the live musical once in New York, but for some odd reason I have never seen the movie version before. Watching it again for this paper, in a whole new format, is as if I’m experiencing it for the first time again. While perhaps I should have picked a musical I have yet to seen before (regardless that it was the live production), I simply could not resist watching perhaps my favorite musical (closely tied with Wicked) and applyingRead MoreSicko - Analysis981 Words  | 4 PagesSicko is a documentary about the American Health Care system as seen through the eyes of the filmmaker Michael Moore. It presents the health care system in America as being fragmented and inefficient by using anecdotes to illustrate the plight of the 46 million Americans without health insurance and also to addre ss the wider concerns about the kind of care that the insured get. The film also compares the non-universal and for-profit U.S. system with publicly funded health systems of Canada, the UnitedRead MoreDifferences Between The Movie And The Hunger Games1046 Words  | 5 PagesHave you ever seen the Hunger Games movie and read the Hunger Games book? Have you ever noticed the superficial differences between them? Well, if you have then you clearly see that the movie and the book’s plots are relatively similar, but there are a few differences between the movie and the book. Although they bear some superficial differences, the similarities between the Hunger Games book and the Hunger Games movie are pronounced.      To begin, the Hunger Games movie is a very interestingRead MoreFemale Writers : Mean Girls ( Tina Fey ) And Clueless ( Amy Heckerling ) Essay1497 Words  | 6 PagesYoung girls watch these movies and expect that high school should be a particular way. Unless you have a full figured woman’s body like Regina George’s, then you will not be â€Å"the in girl†. Although each of these films glamorize the lives of the popular girls in school, they have clear moral values on how being catty will ultimately have you end up ruining your reputation. Two of the six movies addressed have female writers, Mean girls (Tina Fey) and Clueless (Amy Heckerling). All six of these moviesRead MoreReflection Of The Multisystem Family Course1419 Words  | 6 Pagesof this reflection paper is portray the knowledge that I have learned throughout this semester regarding the multisystem utilized to identify traits and behaviors associated with the assessments of family members. Marta Lundy’s article gave a brief history of theoretical integration as she describe a multi-systemic, multi-theoretical integrative model for social work practice, even though each reading assignment was associated with a movie or a book provided by the instructor and required all studentsRead MoreFight Club By Chuck Palahniuk1266 Words  | 6 Pagesgroup causing chaos in the city. The narrator sees the club spiral out of control, reveling he is not who we think he is. This movie showed the frustrations of men not feeling anything but thanks to Tyler Durden and the Narrator they create fight club. Men from all occupations come together and only through pain can they truly feel alive. In many scenes throughout the movie we see the men shitless fighting each other. At the end of each fight the men will stand up grinning with a bloody mouth. It seemsRead MoreA Sociological Analysis Of Mean Girls Broken Down Into Two Sections1599 Words  | 7 PagesSection one will explain why a sociologist would find the movie interesting, examining the movie from a functionalist perspective, providing an example of private troubles and public issues, and comparing the movie to North American culture. Section two will discuss the themes of socialization and culture by explaining terms related to each section and applying them to the movie. Section One Why a Sociologist Would Find Mean Girls Interesting Sociologists concern themselves with social relations amongRead MorePan s Labyrinth By Guillermo Del Toro Essay874 Words  | 4 PagesPan’s Labyrinth is a Spanish film which is most likely known for being a dark fantasy film. The author is a Spanish filmmaker; his name is Guillermo del Toro. He was born on October 9, 1964. In one of his interviews, they ask him how can he describe the movie of Pan’s Labyrinth and he said: â€Å"It is a fairy tale for grownups†. The movie has a lot of fantasy, action, and sadness. This movie deals with a lot of fantasy and darkness, different worlds in just one movie. In the interview Guillermo del Toro saidRead MoreThe Character Loki s Personality Disorder1365 Words  | 6 PagesObviously the writers of the comics, and then the writers of the movies, took liberties with the character to make him, and his companions, more interesting for the modern audience. They have taken a trickster and made him an all out villain and a p retty decent one too. So it is unsurprising, when one evaluates Loki’s actions, that the villain Loki would have a personality disorder. While Loki of Asgard does not suffer from the same psychological affliction his enemy does, he does suffer from an illnessRead MoreInfluence of Romanticism in the Contemporary Shows True Blood, American Horror Story, and Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas756 Words  | 4 Pagesemotions such as apprehension and terror. Romanticism in the 18th century sparked imagination; Imagination that was perceived as the â€Å"ultimate power†(see reference). Fast forwarding to contemporary culture, many of these examples of romanticism are seen in shows such as True Blood, American Horror Story, and Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas. There are important scenes in each episode of True Blood that emerge characteristics of Romanticism. Sookie is not-your-average waitress at Merlotte’s
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Wedding In Malaysia Free Essays
Wedding tourism in our country has becoming popular as more foreigners and local tourist are taking interest and start to recognize this tourism field. Nowadays, lots of visitors start to take interest in the grand wedding functions which held in attractive and tourism place as well as at Historical Places and magnificent place of our country. It’s a well-known fact that our country are based from numerous type of races with its colorful culture and traditions. We will write a custom essay sample on Wedding In Malaysia or any similar topic only for you Order Now These tradition and rituals of Malaysian reflect the rich cultural heritage of our nation. Ones of the tradition that can generate high income and have a bright chance to be develops in the future is Wedding Tourism which is gaining popularity due to the distinctive celebrations and religious ceremonies that are held in the course of a wedding. Though there are grand and magnificent weddings conducted in tourism and magnificent places in our country includes at the beaches of Malaysia. All kind of Malaysian various races wedding have recently become a hit among tourist around the world. Wedding tourism in our country offers lot more than just the wedding rituals which according to its own culture and religions. Along with the wedding ceremonies, tourist and visitors can enjoy and get a firsthand experience of the wedding preparations that are done by both parties. Besides, wedding tourism in Malaysia also helps tourist in this country to explore the hidden facts of Malaysian wedding and enjoy the warmth and hospitality of our peoples that are well known for their warmness and smile. Realizing this potential in wedding tourism towards the future, our government also take a step ahead in promoting and encourage this industry to enhance its wider around the world. Thus, lots of accommodations such as excellent facilities in hotels, better transportation, mouthwatering cuisine and many more are integrated part of the packages for wedding. The special wedding tour package also helps to get insight into the life style of our peoples and offers an enjoyable moments that can stand to be memories for a lifetimes. How to cite Wedding In Malaysia, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Car And Bicycle Brakes Essay Example For Students
Car And Bicycle Brakes Essay Caliper BrakesEffectiveness: good mechanical advantage as it allows the operator to brake with little effort on the hydraulic lever, which needs to be squeezed. Material: Calipers are fixed mount, opposed piston calipers cast from aluminium alloy. Calipers are the hydraulic clamp portion of the disc braking system. Manufactured from either ferrous or non-ferrous materials and bolted firmly to the suspension upright(or knuckle) the caliper holds the pads in place and, through the action hydraulic pistons actuated by the master cylinder, force them against the rotating surface of the disc when pressure is applied to the brake pedal. Friction Material: non asbestos brake padsCar differences: size is one major difference in car and bike systems. The systems can be totally different but still use hydraulic mechanisms. Cantilever BrakesEffectiveness: provide good power and modulation. They are very effective in stopping the bike because they provide a large stopping force, but the riders heel will hit the brake and may irritate the rider and cause the brakes to ruin. Material: includes 2 brake shoes and a brake padFriction Material: non asbestos brake pads. Car differences: size and shape. Also consists of lighter materials. V BrakesEffectiveness: basically the same as above. Material:Friction Material:Car differences:Drum BrakesEffectiveness: Very good brakins system as they wear very slowly and are not afftected by weather. Also used with Disc Brakes. Being on the rear. Material: A bike drum brake is hand operated which is attached to the hub of the wheel, the shoes press on the inside of the drum. Friction Material: Non asbestos fibre. Car differences: In bikes they are hand operated and in cars they are foot. Drum brakes are completely different to hydraulic brakes. Hydraulic disc BrakesEffectiveness: Hydraulic brakes have a great mechanical advantage therefore are a very good design of braking system. Material: a disk with 2 shoes, one on either side. When brake pedal is pressed fluid is pumped around the system which goes through the master cylinder and diverts to the 4 wheels and squeezes onto the disk. Friction Material:no asbestos pads. Disc is made of machined steel. Car differences: size is a major difference. And also foot and hand leverages. Very basic. Good Hand for those Engineering Students 🙂 GoodLuck!
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