Thursday, October 31, 2019
Risk managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
Risk managment - Essay Example This experience is of immense help to the management studies and the hospitality industry, particularly in these days of great emphasis on globalization and expanding service industry. From the days of human existence as food gatherers to the present day global enterprises, mankind faced risks. It is appropriate to say that risk and enterprise go hand in hand. Fortunately, the science of risk management has also been expanding based on the experiences on one hand, and the compelling laws that define an enterprise’s responsibility in the event of a disaster. Industrial revolution and expanding markets gave rise to increased use of machinery as well as laborers in the production processes, thus multiplying risks. The character and expanse of risks are changing from individuals to communities, from human beings to natural environment, from local areas to global spread and much more. From the relatively simple industrial accidents to the massive disasters such as the nuclear power plants at The Three Mile Islands and the Chernobyl plant, the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, the Exxon-Valdez/BP-Gulf of Mexico oil spills we have witnessed the changing face of enterprise risks. Significant developments in the form of globalization is leading to another kind of risk viz., the financial risk that spreads across the globe in quick time as was witnessed during the Asian crisis of the late 90s and the global meltdown in the past two years. With the emergence of the Internet and information technology, newer kind of risks includes systemic problems, fraud, and privacy issues. The term risk could mean deviating from the normal course of a particular structure, activity or establishment, as the case maybe, which means it is probable that something could happen and this is within a range, which is from 0 to 100 percent probability. In other words, it
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 76
Discussion - Essay Example Target countries could be developed or emerging economies. In this respect, product quality is critical to consumer tastes and preferences. Any country or economy can make high quality or low quality products. For example, china is a leading global economy but most of her industrial products are perceived to be low quality. Emerging economies, therefore, have the potential to outperform China in terms of product quality. Personally, I agree with the India-China comparison. Both developed and emerging economies have their strengths and weaknesses. In this respect, the primary factors to consider are consumer preferences, product price, and product quality based on past purchases reviews. I agree with the argument that social, economic, and political factors play a significant role in influencing consumer perceptions. Issues of free trade, product price, brand loyalty, and country of origin elicit mixed reactions with regard to product quality. However, consumer satisfaction outweighs all forms of
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Basic Management and Organisational Theory
Basic Management and Organisational Theory CONTRIBUTIONS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES CLASSICAL THEORY It is purposeful and investigational attitude. Supervision personnel and organization more efficiently. The whole thing planned and organized harmony of expertise and maintenance by administrators. Goal on construction, developments and superfluous of organization. Lots of broadside effort HUMANISTIC THEORY This concept concentration on humanistic contributes additional position to individuals. Because of communal considerate in people announcement greater than before. Individuals are complicated in so there is more harmony in conclusion manufacture. It combined with societies internal emotional state and self-concepts CONTINGENCY THEORY This is uncluttered coordination methodology and there is no one way of management the state of deal the changed condition another way. No have confidence in in ‘one unsurpassed way’ so many procedures and philosophies are used. It’s reasonably composite and no one truthful administrative approach that mechanism in all state of affairs. IDENTIFY 2 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES: Functional Structure Divisional Structure DESCRIBE The organization is separated into dissimilar subdivisions based on the occupations when management. This allows the organization to intensification the proficiencies of well-designed individuals. These type of organization division the functioning areas of organization into farewells. Each leave-taking has its own capitals in order to occupation autonomously. COMPARE In purposeful construction there is announcement between the decision-making constable and his operates which work efficiently in exhume subdivision. In regional structure numerous sections are occupied composed to spring this structure there is no communication allowed in different branches and sub-departments. 1.3 SOURCES OF POWER, INFLUENCE AND AUTHORITY: Legitimate source it’s also known as the positional influence. It’s consequent from the situation of an individual that is grip in an organization. Expert source-it’s originates from knowledge or teaching. Reward source operative supposes some type of recompense from their bosses. Referent source referent authority mentions to the individual who has desirability towards their instruction. Coercive source- operative has terror of enthusiastic or downgraded. IMPACT ON PRESENT DAY ORGS: There is enormous influence of these foundations of influence; inspiration and specialist to contemporary era organization. To clench of the organization both administration squads wants that they must binary or extra foundations. To brand persons under their regulator every now and then they secondhand recompense authority like growth income, elevations. EFFECTIVENESS ON PRESENT DAY ORGS There are several influences that can influence the effectiveness of the more technical world people are highly technical, knowledgeable. They are more self-assured and believe in their competences. They have the boldness to ‘to do’ things rendering this altering biosphere. 1.4  COMPARISON ON TRADITIONAL AND CURRENT PERSPECTIVE DELEGATIONIn former standpoint individuals delicacies like the ancient assignment is finished straightly. People come interfering. Every education of the diplomacies gives to face-to-face. Today with accumulative of knowledge it becomes supplementary unceremonious, and now it’s completed by methodological ways and means like e-mails, and texts, Which is more hazardous and perilous. PARTICIPATIONIn terms of contribution, people continuously check the strategies before esteem less what type of elegance they assume. When personnel are complex in the modification exertion they are additional likely to purchase into modification somewhat than struggle it. This method is likely to subordinate fighting more so than just hopeful individuals will consent to transformation. DECISION MAKINGDecision making is identical communal these days. One and all has their specific thinking and professional in pronouncement making general public share their designs and plan which is greatly consumed today associate to the ancient. 1.5 IDENTIFY THE PRINCIPLES FOR COORDINATION: Principles of direct contact-there are straight connection between administrators and dependents and the result will be virtuous affiliation between them. Principle of continuity it is not a erstwhile commotion. The progression of synchronization flinches when the association twitches and it’s endure until the association be existent. Principle of reciprocity-the arrangements of all the general public of association are inter-related the pronouncements of one somebody will disturb to all other persons on an association. PAST AND CURRENT RELEVENCE TO MGT EFFECTIVITY: Perpendicular synchronization can be designated as cable of guidelines which is in this management statement between companies and supervise is made by consultant who helps in accomplishing administrative goal. On the other hand in straight management there is announcement between sectors to constituent part. TASK 2 2.1 RELEVANCE AND APPLICATION OF THE MOTIVATION THEORIES 2.1.1 – Humanistic Motivational Theory, Incentive Theory Relevance: Humanistic theory is the most well-known theory of motivation. According to these theory human is ambitious to perform their best potential and will always do so unless difficulties are placed in their way. These obstacles include food and shelter, financial problems. The relevance of incentive theory people is motivated to do things in the workforce because of external rewards like money, reward. This theory describes that particular motivation. Application: These theories can be used by the management employers to check the performance of their staff. Employers also understand that their staffs have number of needs that they want to be filled. This way the management comes aware of his responsibility to satisfy these needs. Expectancy theory, Equity theory Relevance: Expectancy theory is best described as process explains why individuals choose one behavioural options over others because they believe that their decision will lead them their desires. The concept of equity theory is that people get their job satisfaction by analyse their inputs and outputs with other people in the same workforce. Application These theories can be used as consideration example in will very helpful for people who are doing their job very hardly. 2.2MANAGERIAL APPROACHES TO MOTIVATION AND THEIR DISTINCTIVE CONTRIBUTIONS 1 Pay and job performance The main contribution of this approach is that it defines the belief in the employees that if they give outstanding performance in their organization then they will get some rewards. 2 Quality of work life programs The contribution of this approach is to describe the ways and programs so employees make their working life better. 2.3POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE IMPLICATION OF THE SOME MANAGEMENT STYLE IN RELATION TO MGT PRATICE: Autocratic style: manager takes all the important decision without involvement from workers. Positive implication: decision making very quickly. Controlling large number of low skilled workers. Negative implication: one way communication. The staff would like to give new ideas to management but this creativity is not respected by the managers. Participative style: managers expect lots of feedback from their staff before coming to a conclusion and making a decision. Positive implication: two way communication to motivating. This is problem solving process and openness to new ideas can result in innovation. Negative implication: this is very slow down decision making process. Still quite dictatorial and autocratic style of management. 2.4 EXAMINATION OF JOB DESIGN FOR MARKETING MANAGER Motivational effects: in terms of characteristics the motivational effect is very high and very exciting, in this task people from various culture involved. And they will get chance to share their views an get chance to gain terms of personal individual don’t get chance to mingle with other people. They have to do their things itself What are the implication of the job design for management The implication of the job design for management depends on capability. The organization looks for the most capable person to handle problems. The thing that is more demanding and needed mostly on the job design is not only the business skills. A person who is cultured and worldly is more entailed on the job design. 2.5 SOCIAL INFLUENCE ON INDIVIDUAL WORK EFFECTIVENESS AND MOTIVATION Social influence like values, rules, customs which effect work effectiveness and motivation. People have their own way to working and solve problems. The management should conscious to these matters. The team leader should know that every member has its own personality and skills. And no one wants to change his/her beliefs for the team. Rather everyone should learn something new from other culture. TASK 3: 3.1 LEADERSHIP VS.MANAGEMENT The role of a leader is to set new vision for the company. Leader focus on people. On the other hand, the role of the manager the manager focuses on systems and structure. The manager relies on control. 3.2IMPACT OF MGT AND LEADERSHIP ROLES ON ORG.STRUCTURE Leader is responsible continually analysing and developing the organizations effectiveness and ability to meet the needs of its members. The manager is the one who implement the plans made by leader. 3.3COMPARE TWO DIFFERENT LEADERSHIP STYLES AND IDENTIFY AND CONTRAST LEADERSHIP STYLE DIFFRENCES SIMILARITIES ATTRIBUTES SKILLLS STRENGTHS WEAKNESS Democratic Democratic style follows people suggestions. A visionary leader is who turn his colleagues towards a common goal. These both style working for people and organization in different working way. Encourage employee to be part of decision making, creativity is encouraged. Staff members involves in decision making. Increase employee motivation and commitment to the decision making. It takes time for decision making. visionary People share information openly. Motivating people Leaders must have convincing power. Definite and clear vision. Sometimes leader have all the power.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Digital Access Divide :: essays papers
Digital Access Divide Technology is a vital part of education and the workforce. The digital divide is putting some students at risk for lacking vital vocational and educational skills. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration states that currently about half of Americans are online (ClickZ, 2002). According to a report from the New York Times (2003), United States President, George W. Bush seemed to be satisfied with this number. He tried to eliminate the technology access programs that were initiated in the Clinton Administration for the purpose of bridging the digital divide. His cuts eliminated over 50 million dollars. Fortunately, as a result of several passionate coalitions, Congress has given $50 million back to the funds (Feeder, 2003). However, there is still a digital divide, and it is putting students at risk. According to the educational testing service, which is the world’s largest private educational measurement organization and a leader in educational resear ch (Landgraf, Statistics Section, para. 5); â€Å" ‘49 percent of Caucasian children use the Internet at home, compared to only 29 percent of African-American children, and 33 percent of Hispanic children’, ‘children from high-income families are more than twice as likely to have home Internet access (66%) than children from low-income households (29%)’ and ‘despite strong growth in school access from 2000 to 2002 for low-income children (20 to 32 percent), their current school use still significantly lags behind high-income children (47 percent)’ (Landgraf, Statistics Section, para. 5). The fact that so many children are not accessing technology is not just a present problem for them, it is creating future problems by putting them at risk for lacking vital educational and vocational skills. Consequences of the Divide: Importance of computer technology in Higher Education Digital information technologies such as the use of computers and the internet are an integral part of higher education. Jane Doe’s story located at the beginning of this report serves as an example of this. Jane’s problem is not biology; the problem is her ignorance in digital information and instructional technologies. This is not her fault; the area she came from has been affected by the digital divide. In college, students need to have computer literacy and digital technology knowledge. If a student, such as Jane, comes from an ill-equipped school district or low income home, where they can not afford a computer or are ignorant about digital technologies, these students are at an incredible disadvantage.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Environmental Issues Essay
The environmental issues in India become more serious every day and she is turning into a bit of a mess on this front but with over 1 Billion people most of which in dire poverty, it’s hardly surprising. The recent boom in its industries, little or no environmental education, infrastructure nearly at bursting point not to mention the huge deforestation that’s going on. If you think your country has some problems then you are about to be a bit of a shock because I’m sure nothing compares to some of the environmental issues in India. A whopping 65% of the land in here is degraded in some way, shape or form and the endless government policies do little to curb the damage. In fact, there is no shortage at all of government legislation protecting the environment but unfortunately it is never enforced due to flagrant abuse of power, corruption and lack of resources. If you have ever been to India you have undoubtedly noticed the serious little problem that they have in India. No, it’s not like here in the UK where a can of coke and crisp packet on the floor are a litter problem. India’s litter problem is almost a bit disturbing. The attitude is to just throw it on the floor, there are no bins, just drop it. That’s 1 Billion people disposing of their rubbish on the floor, every day. The scope of the problem is almost unimaginable and of course, it takes generations to change a habit like that but no one is starting. What they need here is education and that is what is seriously missing. With regards to environmental issues in India, India appears to be digging its own grave deeper and quicker than the rest of us, nearly 30% of India’s gross agricultural output is lost every year due to soil degradation, poor land management and counter productive irrigation. The wetlands and lakes are also being hit hard. Mainly by the industrial boom that hit India a decade ago, the main problems being improper disposal of industrial waste like chemicals etc. India’s 7516 km of coastline have also come under attack from this environmental sabotage, overfishing remains a huge problem due to lack of legislation enforcement. Raw sewage from an awful lot of people is pumped endlessly into the ocean along with other industrial waste and chemicals. Hundreds of miles of coral and other sea life are slowly being destroyed due to offshore drilling. Tourist centres such as Goa suffer due to badly managed development and excessive tourism, again resulting from the lack of legislation and policy enforcement. The main environmental issues in India The Environmental issues in India are huge. Whether it’s the rapidly dropping water tables, mass deforestation, land degradation or river contamination, India has it all and on a massive scale. Water resources Perhaps the largest of the environmental issues in India facing the people of India is inadequate or lack of access to vital fresh water resources. As India’s industries get bigger so will the amount of water they require and the amounts are already beginning to spiral. As an example I use the Coca cola factory which was accused for years of messing up an entire eco system. By simply diverting all the water to their factory, millions of people went without. The company are also accused of causing huge droughts and contamination to a massive area by exploiting an excessive amount of ground water and then replacing it with toxic discharge. Of course, Coca Cola is a big famous company and that is why this came to news but I have no doubt that there are a million examples of similar things happening all over India. Years of exploitation and extraction of groundwater in India has caused the national water table to suddenly and very dramatically drop. Considering that 85% of rural drinking water and 55% of urban water comes from underground sources, this seems to me a very urgent problem as literally hundreds of millions of people could be left without water†¦ does it even bear thinking about! The rivers are on the front line of pollution in India. Millions of people depend on them for their livelihoods but they are slowly being polluted and destroyed by sewage, chemicals and other agricultural and industrial waste. These are some of the most polluted rivers in the world but little seems to be to stem the incessant destruction. Deforestation The story of deforestation is another of the highly serious environmental issues in India. It is predicted that almost 5. 3 Million hectares of forest have been destroyed since the independence. Most of it being chopped down for housing, industrialisation and river projects. It is estimated that the number of Mangrove Forests have more than halved in the last 20 years. The government soon recognised the importance that these forests hold for the conservation of soil and put forward a range of polices trying to curb the destruction; of course, nothing has really changed and thousands of acres are destroyed every year with nothing in the way of ‘replacement’. Poor management and abuse of power are again the increasingly sad cause behind the mass deforestation of India, some call it greed. Protected areas are largely declassified so that commercial activities can take place but new areas are not reclassified. Poaching is another factor, people actually coming in and steeling trees and one of the final blows to the forest of India who already seem to have lost the battle is the invasion of foreign tree species such as Eucalyptus etc. Air Pollution India now has one of the worst qualities of air in the world. Without a doubt the main contributor of air pollution in India is the transport system. In the big cities like Delhi and Mumbai, millions of old and very dirty diesel engines churn out millions of tonnes more sulphur than their western equivalents partly because of being old and partly because of the diesel. As a result, the asthma rate for children in some of the larger cities is now at %50 and rising fast. Because of the varied causes and consequences surrounding this topic, I’ve devoted a whole page to India air pollution. Plastics and other waste I have already touched on the massive problem of waste disposal but I intend to go into it more here. It seems that some areas are simply fed up with the lack of Government intervention and are using there initiatives. As an example I use some of the towns and villages in Kerala who are seeing a return to the old paper bags from plastic ones. As I am sure you know, plastic isn’t in any urgency to degrade but the people of India don’t seem to recognise this as they throw every unwanted item onto the floor wherever they are. Of course, the victims of this environmental issue in India are the future generations and the animals. The holy cows that are so integral to Indian life are slowly being killed from the huge amount of plastic bags they consume that eventually rap around their insides.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Arthur Miller wrote the play Essay
What Miller does do to excellent effect is keep the pace of the plot speeding along and twisting in different directions all the time, at one time the focal point is on Danforth and his control of the court, then at another it is Abigail and the girls feigning that Mary Warren’s spirit has possessed them. Throughout this extract he keeps the dramatic effect by having many different plot lines run into each other at this point; Proctor’s attempt to save Elizabeth, Mary Warren’s declaration that the girls are putting on a show and Abigail Williams’ and the girls dramatic role-play claiming Mary Warren is sending her spirit out on them. All of these plot lines are intertwined in the court room scene and are exposed in John Proctor’s announcement that he is guilty of lechery. Some of the central themes and concerns in The Crucible are evident in this extract intolerance, being a society run strictly by a theocracy means that Salem is run by strict laws and religion. Any wavering outside these rules or religious thoughts is unacceptable. Danforth is intolerant when listening to Proctor and Giles Corey’s attempted reasoning and proposals. Salem at this time was intolerant of any un-natural endeavours, just as America in the 1950’s was intolerant of any un-American activities or communists. Acts of search and arrest became known as McCarthyism, led by Senator John McCarthy. Hanging those who were accused was seen as restoring purity to the theocracy in Salem. Another recurring theme in The Crucible is that of personal reputation. In this extract Proctor seeks to keep his name from being tarnished by giving testament against Abigail claiming that she is delivering her accusations through jealousy of his wife Elizabeth, and by announcing that he has committed adultery through his affair with Abigail. Reverend Parris acts only on what he thinks is best for his reputation throughout the whole play, particularly in this extract when he lies about seeing the girls naked dancing in the woods, â€Å"I do not deny they danced, but I never saw any of them naked†. Parris lies in order to keep his reputation, for if it were released that he had found his daughter and many other girls dancing naked in the woods and ‘compacting with the devil’ then he would be driven from his office as the reverend of Salem. Judges Danforth and Hathorne are both unwilling to accept that Proctor is innocent and do not want to admit to being deceived by a bunch of girls claiming witchcraft and are therefore forced to charge John Proctor to keep their own reputations, making the interrogation partial towards the young girls and unfair on Proctor. The other central theme of the play is the role that hysteria can play in societies. The lies by Abigail all the way through the play and particularly in this extract easily manipulate the judges and the residents of Salem to turn against the accused which ultimately leads to their executions. Miller has linked this hysterical theme to the McCarthyism period in which he lived in the 1950’s, the hysteria led by Senator Joseph McCarthy and his hunt for communists and communist sympathisers in post WWII America and during the Cold War. Miller seems to have based his character Judge Danforth on the individual Senator Joseph McCarthy: both are over-seeing the hysteria of the communities and are leading the search for the accused and presiding over their trials.
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